Temple University把名子亮出就知道是很讚的學校
看了她筆下所寫的懈逅故事…超感動的!!!God! It's so romantic!!!
In the end of year 2006, I started to help at my sister's restaurant every Friday night. There was one guy, of course it was Will, who came to our restaurant once in a while for pastas. Be honest, at that time I was introduced to some other guys. I didn't think that Will would be my boyfriend someday at all.
In the beginning of year 2007, there was a big revolution going on in my sister's restaurant. About 4 people were fired, and that meant I had to help my sister "full time."
We had never seen a guy who loved pasta so much. Will came to our restaurant twice or 3 times a week... "alone." Every time we saw him walking toward our restaurant, we were like "what! this guy is never tired of the taste of pastas!" Since he was very polite, and always sat on 1st floor (my area), we had more contact.
When I said contact, I didn't mean we talked about things other than "ordering foods." What a strange guy! I think at that time I started to like this strange guy.
We had a few conversation about store front rentals and apartments after I knew he is a real estate agent, but he never asked my phone number. One day I had a fight with my sister in the restaurant. I knew she had enough waitresses, so I left. I didn't show up until a week later.
During that week, Will came almost everyday, lunch and dinner. Well, Hsiao-Yi told me that. And lucky him, when I went there that time, he was there too. He came to pay his meal, and I was at the cashier. But he was the same like before... paid his meal and ran away. :S
I text message him that night, and he called me back. (I asked for his business card before, but I never called.) Anyway, he started to ask me out. And we became boyfriend and girlfriend after about a week. :)